
The government of Ebenezer is vested in its members who exercise the right of control in all its affairs, subject in legal matters to the Articles of Incorporation granted by the State of Nebraska and the Constitution adopted by its members. The Constitution and By-Laws define how the church will be governed; a statement of faith; membership; services, sacraments, and congregational meetings, and responsibilities of the Church Board, among other things.

The Church Board is responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the church. Its responsibilities include:

1. Visualizing the task of the Church.

2. Conferring with the Pastor on the general direction of the activities of the Church and cooperating with him/her on the formulation of a well-rounded program.

3. Providing, under the direction and approval of the Church, for the raising of money to support the Church’s various ministries.

4. Transacting business on behalf of the Church and at its direction.
Current members of the Church Board and the offices they hold are:

Pastor: Franklin Krause


Vice Chair:



